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A UFO Chicken Spaceship Coop that is Out of This World

Unleashing Your Inner Creative: The Extraordinary Saga of the UFO Chicken Spaceship Coop

When it comes to raising chickens, some people go above and beyond to create unique and imaginative coops for their feathered friends. One such couple, who are not only artistic but also UFO nerds, decided to build a coop that would truly be out of this world - a UFO Chicken Spaceship Coop!

The couple embarked on their project with enthusiasm, knowing that a larger coop was necessary to accommodate their expanding flock. They wanted something extraordinary, a coop that would not only provide a safe and comfortable space for their chickens but also showcase their creative spirit.

The first step was brainstorming the design. They quickly realized that finding suitable materials for a classic UFO shape would be a challenge. However, inspiration struck when they stumbled upon two 10-foot satellite dishes on their local Craigslist page. These dishes would serve as the stellar foundation for their UFO coop.

Once they brought the satellite dishes home, the couple was thrilled by the shape and began planning immediately. The aluminum frames of the dishes provided a perfect skeleton, complete with a 1-inch recess for insulation. They drafted plans for waterproofing, windows, ventilation, flooring, cleaning, and egg access.

To create windows, they cut holes and installed 6-inch acrylic surveillance camera covers they found on eBay. These covers not only allowed light to enter the coop but also added a futuristic touch. The couple also decided to drop the floor down to an 8-foot circular shape and covered it with easy-to-clean countertop laminate.

Insulation was a crucial aspect of the coop's construction, considering the harsh Idaho winters. They purchased 1-inch Styrofoam insulation and cut each piece to fit snugly against the shape of the satellite dishes. With the insulation in place, the UFO coop started to take shape.

Next, they focused on waterproofing the coop. They opted for a roofing material called roofing felt, similar to tar paper, which they cut into pie-shaped pieces to cover the craft. Seams were reinforced with durable roofing tape, and the entire coop was coated with aluminum paint to provide waterproofing and give it a classic UFO color. This specialized paint not only protected the coop from the elements but also reflected light, keeping the interior cool during the summer months.

After allowing the coop to air out and eliminate any lingering fumes, the couple assembled it using an 8-foot trampoline base they purchased from a local manufacturer. Elevating the coop would help protect the chickens from predators.

With the structure complete, it was time for the finishing touches. The couple added hen boxes, a back hatch for easy access, handles on the top half for cleaning purposes, perches for the chickens to roost on, and, of course, lights. The lights were housed in clear tubing and powered by an Arduino mega, giving the coop an authentic spaceship appearance.

As winter approached, the couple made additional modifications to ensure their chickens' comfort. They installed two 250-watt ceramic heat emitters controlled by a Raspberry Pi running the PrivateEyePi project. This allowed them to monitor and control the coop's temperature remotely.

To protect the birds and prevent accidents, they covered the heat emitter housings with chicken wire cages.

The UFO Chicken Spaceship Coop became a true masterpiece, combining artistic flair with practicality. The couple's dedication and attention to detail resulted in an otherworldly home for their chickens. Not only does it provide a safe and cozy space for the flock, but it also serves as a testament to the limitless creativity of chicken enthusiasts.

So, the next time you gaze up at the stars and wonder about the mysteries of the universe, remember that even in your own backyard, an out-of-this-world adventure can take flight with a little imagination and a UFO Chicken Spaceship Coop.

From: Backyard Chickens 
