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Bountiful Cranberries: Preserving the Harvest with Delicious Cranberry Jars

 Preserving the Harvest: How to Make Flavorful Cranberry Jars for Year-Round Delight

 The vibrant and tart cranberry is a staple during the fall season, bringing a burst of flavor to a variety of dishes.

 If you find yourself with an abundance of cranberries, why not preserve them to enjoy their tangy goodness even beyond their peak season? In this article, we'll explore a simple and delightful method of preserving cranberries in jars. With just a few ingredients and a little time, you can create jars of cranberry goodness that will keep you stocked with this versatile fruit for months to come. Let's dive into the recipe and discover the joy of preserving cranberries.

Recipe: Preserved Cranberry Jars


  • - Cranberries
  • - Granulated sugar
  • - Water


1. Prepare the cranberries: Start by washing the cranberries thoroughly and removing any stems or blemished berries. Pat them dry gently.

2. Fill the jars: Take clean, sterilized jars and fill them approximately one-third full with cranberries. The amount of cranberries you use will depend on the size of your jars and how many you wish to preserve.

3. Add sugar: Sprinkle 1/4 cup of granulated sugar over the cranberries in each jar. Adjust the amount of sugar to your taste preference, adding more or less as desired.

4. Fill with water: Carefully pour water into each jar, leaving about 1/2 inch of headspace at the top. The water will help create a syrup that will preserve the cranberries.

5. Seal the jars: Place the lids on the jars and tighten them securely.

6. Water bath canning: Prepare a water bath canner by filling it with enough water to cover the jars. Gently place the jars into the canner, ensuring they are fully submerged. Bring the water to a gentle boil.

7. Process the jars: Once the water reaches a gentle boil, start the timer and process the jars for 25 minutes. Adjust the processing time if you are at a high altitude. This processing time helps ensure the cranberries are safely preserved.

8. Remove and cool: After the processing time is complete, carefully remove the jars from the water bath canner using canning tongs or a jar lifter. Place them on a towel-lined surface and allow them to cool undisturbed.

9. Check the seals: Once the jars have cooled, check the seals by pressing down on the center of each lid. If the lid is firm and doesn't pop back, the jar is properly sealed. If any jars did not seal correctly, refrigerate and consume them within a few weeks.

10. Store and enjoy: Label the jars with the date and store them in a cool, dark place. The preserved cranberries can be stored for up to a year. When ready to use, simply open a jar and enjoy the cranberries in various recipes, such as sauces, compotes, baked goods, or as a flavorful addition to salads.

 Preserving cranberries in jars is a wonderful way to extend the enjoyment of this seasonal fruit throughout the year.

 With a little preparation and the canning process, you can have jars of tangy cranberries ready to elevate your recipes and bring a delightful pop of flavor to your meals. So, embrace the bountiful harvest and create a stockpile of delicious cranberry jars that will ensure you always have a taste of autumn within reach.
