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Sweet and Tangy Grapefruit Jelly: A Delicious Solution for Abundant Citrus

Taste the Sunshine: Homemade Grapefruit Jelly to Brighten Your Day:

Last week, I found myself with an abundance of grapefruits, a generous gift that left me pondering creative ways to utilize this delightful citrus fruit.

 After some experimentation, I discovered the perfect solution: grapefruit jelly. In this article, I will share with you a simple and mouthwatering recipe for homemade grapefruit jelly. And while the large jars are primarily used for organizing my batches, they can also make for an impressive display of this delicious preserve.

Recipe: Homemade Grapefruit Jelly


  • - 6 cups grapefruit juice (freshly squeezed)
  • - 1/4 cup lemon juice (freshly squeezed)
  • - 6 cups granulated sugar
  • - 1 package powdered fruit pectin


  • - Large preserving pot
  • - Canning jars with lids and rings


1. Prepare the grapefruit juice:

  •    - Begin by juicing the grapefruits to obtain 6 cups of fresh juice. Strain the juice to remove any pulp or seeds. Squeeze the lemons to obtain 1/4 cup of fresh lemon juice.

2. Sterilize the jars:

  •    - Wash the canning jars, lids, and rings with hot soapy water. Rinse them thoroughly       and place them in a large pot filled with boiling water. Let them boil for 10                   minutes to ensure proper sterilization. Remove the jars from the water and set them       aside.

3. Combine the juices and pectin:

  •    - In a large preserving pot, combine the grapefruit juice, lemon juice, and powdered      fruit pectin. Stir well to dissolve the pectin completely.

4. Cook the mixture:

  •    - Place the pot over medium-high heat and bring the mixture to a rolling boil.                Stirring constantly, add the granulated sugar gradually. Continue to stir until the            sugar is completely dissolved.

5. Skim off foam:

  •    - As the mixture boils, you may notice foam forming on the surface. Skim off the           foam using a spoon or a heatproof spatula. This will help maintain the clarity of           the jelly.

6. Check the setting point:

  •    - To test the readiness of the jelly, place a small plate in the freezer for a few                   minutes. Spoon a small amount of jelly onto the chilled plate and let it cool for a           moment. Push the jelly with your finger; if it wrinkles and holds its shape, it has           reached the desired setting point. If not, continue boiling for a few more minutes           and repeat the test.

7. Fill the jars:

  •    - Carefully ladle the hot grapefruit jelly into the sterilized jars, leaving about 1/4             inch of headspace. Wipe the rims of the jars with a clean, damp cloth to remove          any spills or residue.

8. Seal the jars:

  •    - Place the lids on the jars and secure them with the rings, tightening them just until       fingertip-tight. This allows for proper sealing during the canning process.

9. Organize and store:

  •    - While the large jars can be used for organizing batches of grapefruit jelly, you can       also use smaller jars for a more traditional serving size. Allow the jars to cool at           room temperature, and as the jelly sets, you will notice the lids sealing.

10. Enjoy:

  •    - Once the grapefruit jelly has cooled and set completely, it's ready to be enjoyed.           Spread it on toast, biscuits, or scones, or get creative and use it as a glaze for meats       or a topping for desserts. The sweet and tangy flavors of the grapefruit will add a         burst of citrusy delight to any dish.

When life gives you an abundance of grapefruits, turn them into delicious grapefruit jelly. This simple recipe allows you to make the most of this vibrant citrus fruit, creating a sweet and tangy preserve that can be enjoyed in numerous ways. Whether you're organizing your batches in large jars or showcasing the jelly in smaller jars, the result is a delightful treat that captures the essence of fresh grapefruits. So, roll up your sleeves, gather your grapefruits, and embark on a delicious jelly-making adventure that will brighten your breakfasts and elevate your culinary creations.
