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Slow-Roasted Apple Cranberry Sauce: A Flavorful Homemade Delight

Autumn's Delight: Slow-Roasted Apple Cranberry Sauce Recipe for Seasonal Bliss

There's something truly special about homemade applesauce, especially when it's infused with the tartness of cranberries and the warmth of apple pie spices. 

In this article, we'll dive into the world of slow-roasted apple cranberry sauce, a labor of love that yields a rich and flavorful condiment. Join us as we explore the process of slow roasting, grinding, and canning this delightful creation. Get ready to savor the essence of autumn in every spoonful.

Slow-Roasted Apple Cranberry Sauce: A Flavorful Homemade Delight

As the seasons transition and apples become abundant, there's no better way to celebrate their flavors than by transforming them into a luscious applesauce. This article follows the journey of one enthusiastic cook who embarks on their fourth batch of applesauce for the year. Slow-roasted overnight and infused with cranberries, lemons, and aromatic spices, this apple cranberry sauce promises depth and complexity. In this article, we'll share their process, including grinding, separating the juice, and water bath canning. Prepare to embark on a culinary adventure and discover the joy of slow-roasted apple cranberry sauce.

Recipe: Slow-Roasted Apple Cranberry Sauce


- Assorted apples (enough to fill an 18-quart roaster)

- 1 large bag of frozen cranberries

- 2 large lemons, cut into wedges

- Juice from the lemons

- 1/4 to 1/3 cup apple pie spice mixture

- Optional: a small amount of brown sugar (if needed)


Step 1: Prepare the Apples

Wash, peel, and core the assorted apples. Cut them into chunks or slices, ensuring they are evenly sized for even roasting.

Step 2: Slow Roast the Apples

Preheat your oven to a low temperature, around 200°F (93°C). Spread the apple chunks or slices evenly in an 18-quart roaster. Add the bag of frozen cranberries and the lemon wedges. Squeeze the juice from the lemons over the fruit mixture. Sprinkle the apple pie spice mixture evenly over the fruit. If desired, add a small amount of brown sugar, adjusting to taste.

Step 3: Overnight Roasting

Cover the roaster with a lid and place it in the preheated oven. Slow roast the fruit mixture overnight, allowing the flavors to meld and intensify. This low and slow cooking method will result in a rich and concentrated sauce.

Step 4: Grind the Fruit Mixture

Once the fruit mixture has slow-roasted and cooled, use a food mill or grinder to grind the fruit into a smooth sauce. Ensure that the lemon pulp is included in the grinding process to extract its flavor and aroma.

Step 5: Separating the Juice (Optional)

If desired, strain the sauce through a fine-mesh strainer or cheesecloth to separate any excess juice. This step is optional and can be skipped if you prefer a thicker consistency.

Step 6: Water Bath Canning

Transfer the apple cranberry sauce into clean, sterilized jars. Follow proper water bath canning procedures to ensure safe preservation. Store the jars in a cool, dark place until ready to use.

Slow-roasted apple cranberry sauce is a labor-intensive yet immensely rewarding endeavor that captures the essence of autumn in every spoonful. 

With a blend of assorted apples, tangy cranberries, zesty lemons, and aromatic spices, this homemade delight offers a depth of flavor that will elevate your meals. Whether enjoyed on its own, as a condiment, or as a versatile ingredient in various recipes, this slow-roasted apple cranberry sauce is sure to delight your taste buds and warm your heart. So, gather your apples, embark on this culinary adventure, and savor the fruits of your labor in every delectable bite.
