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How to Make Mullein Salve: A Natural Remedy for Various Skin Conditions

How to Make Mullein Salve: A Natural Remedy for Various Skin Conditions

How to Make Mullein Salve: A Natural Remedy for Various Skin Conditions

Welcome to our article on how to make mullein salve, a natural remedy that can help soothe and heal various skin conditions.

 Mullein, also known as Verbascum thapsus, is a flowering plant that has been used for centuries for its medicinal properties. In this guide, we'll take you through the step-by-step process of creating your own mullein salve at home. So let's dive in and discover the healing powers of this incredible plant!

Why Choose Mullein Salve?

Before we get into the recipe, let's explore why mullein salve is a great choice for skin care:

1. Anti-Inflammatory Properties: Mullein contains compounds that possess anti-inflammatory properties, making it effective in reducing redness, swelling, and irritation associated with skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, and rashes.

2. Soothing and Moisturizing: Mullein salve acts as a natural moisturizer, providing relief to dry and itchy skin. It helps to soothe and nourish the skin, leaving it soft and supple.

3. Antibacterial and Antifungal: Mullein has antimicrobial properties that can help fight against bacteria and fungi, making it beneficial for treating minor cuts, wounds, and infections.

Now that we understand the benefits of mullein salve, let's move on to the recipe.


  • - Dried mullein leaves and flowers (1 cup)
  • - Carrier oil (such as olive oil or coconut oil) (1 cup)
  • - Beeswax pellets (1 ounce)
  • - Essential oils (optional, for added fragrance and therapeutic benefits)


  • - Double boiler or a heatproof bowl and saucepan
  • - Fine mesh strainer or cheesecloth
  • - Glass jars or tins for storage

Step 1: Infusing the Carrier Oil

Start by infusing the carrier oil with dried mullein leaves and flowers. Place the dried mullein in a clean, dry jar and cover it with the carrier oil. Make sure the mullein is completely submerged. Seal the jar tightly and store it in a cool, dark place for at least two weeks. This allows the oil to absorb the beneficial properties of the mullein.

Step 2: Straining the Infused Oil

After two weeks, strain the infused oil using a fine mesh strainer or cheesecloth. Squeeze out as much oil as possible from the mullein. You should be left with a golden-colored oil infused with the healing properties of the plant.

Step 3: Creating the Salve

In a double boiler or a heatproof bowl placed over a saucepan of simmering water, melt the beeswax pellets. Once melted, add the infused mullein oil and stir well until both ingredients are fully combined. If desired, you can add a few drops of your favorite essential oil for fragrance and added therapeutic benefits.

Step 4: Pouring and Cooling

Carefully pour the mixture into clean, sterilized glass jars or tins. Allow the salve to cool completely at room temperature. As it cools, it will solidify into a creamy balm-like consistency.

Congratulations! You have successfully made your own mullein salve. Now you can use it to soothe and heal various skin conditions. Apply a small amount of the salve to affected areas as needed, gently massaging it into the skin.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q1: Can I use fresh mullein instead of dried mullein?

  • A1: It's best to use dried mullein for this recipe as it helps prevent the growth of bacteria and mold in the salve. However, if you have access to fresh mullein, you can dry it thoroughly before using it.

Q2: How long does mullein salve last?

  • A2: When stored in a cool, dark place, the mullein salve can last up to a year. However, it's always a good idea to check for any signs of spoilage before using it.

Q3: Can I use the salve on open wounds?

  • A3: Mullein salve can be used on minor cuts and wounds to help promote healing. However, if you have a deep or infected wound, it's best to seek medical attention.

In conclusion, making your own mullein salve is an excellent way to harness the natural healing powers of this remarkable plant. 

By following the simple steps outlined in this article, you can create a soothing and moisturizing salve that can help alleviate various skin conditions. Give it a try and experience the benefits of this natural remedy for yourself!
