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Crafting a Sweet Legacy: Homemade Chocolate Syrup Recipe

Crafting a Sweet Legacy: Homemade Chocolate Syrup Recipe Revival

Crafting a Sweet Legacy: Homemade Chocolate Syrup Recipe Revival

Unlocking the flavors of nostalgia and tradition, homemade chocolate syrup carries with it a legacy that transcends generations. 

  • The tale of my Great Grandmother's cherished recipe box, passed down through the family, holds the key to a delectable journey into the realm of chocolatey goodness. Join me as we delve into the process of recreating this treasured chocolate syrup recipe and savoring its rich flavors

Embracing a Family Heirloom: The Chocolate Syrup Recipe

 A Glimpse into the Past

  • My Great Grandmother's homemade chocolate syrup was a delicacy I hadn't tasted in over 35 years. However, fate had a sweet surprise in store for me when I inherited her recipe box after my Grandmother's passing. Among the treasured recipes preserved within its pages, the coveted Chocolate syrup recipe awaited its revival.

The Culinary Resurrection:

1. Gathering the Ingredients: To embark on this culinary journey, assemble the following ingredients:

  •    - Cocoa powder
  •    - Sugar
  •    - Salt
  •    - Water
  •    - Vanilla extract

2.Crafting the Syrup: In a homage to tradition, follow the steps outlined in the recipe to create a luscious chocolate syrup that embodies the essence of family heritage. The process involves a careful balance of ingredients and a sprinkle of love to bring forth the perfect consistency and flavor.

3. Canning the Syrup: A triple batch of the chocolate syrup yields a bounty of 14 half pints and 1 quarter pint, destined to grace pantry shelves with their decadent allure. The remaining portion finds a temporary abode in the fridge, eagerly awaiting its moment to shine.

4. Indulging in Delight: Last night, the chocolate syrup made its triumphant return, drizzled atop a scoop of velvety ice cream. The symphony of flavors that ensued was nothing short of a culinary masterpiece, a testament to the enduring legacy of family recipes.


1. Can the chocolate syrup be used in other culinary creations?

Absolutely! The versatility of homemade chocolate syrup extends beyond ice cream topping. Explore its potential as a decadent addition to milkshakes, desserts, or even as a flavor enhancer in baked goods.

2. How long can the canned chocolate syrup be stored for?

When properly canned and sealed, the chocolate syrup can be stored in a cool, dark place for an extended period. However, for optimal flavor and quality, it is recommended to consume it within a year of canning

3. Can the recipe be adjusted to suit personal preferences, such as sweetness level or flavor intensity?

Indeed! Feel free to tailor the recipe to align with your taste preferences. Adjust the sugar content or experiment with different types of cocoa powder to create a chocolate syrup that resonates with your palate.

Embark on a culinary voyage that intertwines the threads of family heritage and gastronomic delight through the revival of a cherished homemade chocolate syrup recipe.

 Let the flavors of tradition and love infuse every drop of this sweet elixir, bridging the past and present in a symphony of taste.


  1. Where is the recipe? I see the ingredients but no recipe. Thanks.

    1. Yes, need a starting point to adjust from if you like.

    2. OUCH... this is a tad embarrassing, eh?!

  2. Replies

  3. I think the recipe was forgotten?

  4. When you have time, could you possibly share the recipe for this Chocolate syrup, please and thank you :)

  5. Recipe is on Hershey Coco box

  6. Please share the recipe..for me to make for my grandchildren. Thank you
