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Turning Milk into Gold: The Art of Canning Expired Milk

From Liquid Gold to Pantry Treasure: A Guide to Canning Expired Milk and More

A Surprising Discovery: Canning Expiring Milk

The tale unfolds with a stroke of luck that feels like hitting the jackpot, even if it garners laughter from co-workers. My husband, a dedicated truck driver, stumbled upon a treasure trove of near-expired milk, deemed unsellable by local stores. The abundance of free, near-expired milk sparked a wave of creativity and preservation, leading to a culinary adventure like no other.

Embracing the Bounty: A Husband's Gesture

In a heartwarming display of support and love, my husband seized the opportunity to bring home 5 gallons of Borden 2% milk, salvaging what others deemed unworthy. Despite one gallon meeting its fate in the sink, the remaining 4 gallons were in pristine condition, ready to be transformed into a pantry full of preserved goodness.

The Canning Marathon: Preserving Milk, Tomatoes, and Jam

Canning the Milk: A Revelation

With determination and zeal, I embarked on a canning spree, transforming the surplus milk into 16 quarts of preserved liquid gold in record time. The process was seamless, the results gratifying, setting the stage for future canning endeavors with whole milk in pint-sized jars.

Exploring Chocolate Milk Preservation

The adventure did not stop at regular milk; the realm of possibilities expanded to include chocolate milk. With the assumption that chocolate milk can be canned similarly to its plain counterpart, the sweet and creamy elixir found its way into jars, awaiting its moment to shine.

Diversifying the Canning Bounty

In the midst of the milk preservation frenzy, tomatoes and blueberry jam also found their way into the canning lineup. Three quarts of tomatoes and nine half-pints of blueberry jam joined the preserved milk, adding a colorful array of flavors to the pantry shelves.

Future Endeavors: Whole Milk and Beyond

As the last jar was sealed and the fruits of labor lined the shelves, thoughts turned to future canning projects. The prospect of canning whole milk in pint-sized jars loomed on the horizon, promising a creamy and versatile addition to the preserved pantry. The journey of canning near-expired milk had only just begun, with endless possibilities waiting to be explored.

What began as a source of amusement for co-workers turned into a journey of creativity, resourcefulness, and culinary innovation.

 The transformation of near-expired milk into a bounty of canned goods symbolizes the power of turning challenges into opportunities, laughter into admiration, and near-expiration into lasting abundance.


  1. where's the steps on the actual canning? hot water bath, or pressure? can you make condensed, unsweetened milk & how should that be processed?

    1. If you are looking for various canning recipes look on facebook there ae many groups with recipes and instructions

  2. Exasperating, cannot find any instructions 😑

  3. What a spoof! No recipe, only ads to enrich themselves.

  4. This is not right.

  5. It is not safe to can milk
