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Canning Corn: A Sweet and Savory Home Preservation Process

Canning Corn: A Sweet and Savory Home Preservation Process

In the world of home food preservation, canning corn stands out as a delightful way to savor the flavors of the season long after the harvest is over. 

While some may have mixed feelings about the taste of store-bought canned sweet corn, the process of canning your own corn at home brings a level of satisfaction and freshness that is hard to beat. Join us as we delve into the art of canning corn, exploring tips, tricks, and step-by-step directions to help you enjoy the sweet rewards of this traditional preservation method.

The Allure of Canning Corn

Canning corn is not just about preserving a vegetable; it's about capturing the essence of summer in a jar. The taste of home-canned corn, especially when sourced from your own garden or a local grower, surpasses that of its store-bought counterpart. The freshness and quality of home-canned corn add a burst of flavor to your dishes, making it a preferred choice for many food enthusiasts. 

Frozen vs. Canned: A Personal Preference

While some may advocate for the taste of frozen corn, citing its freshness and crispness, others appreciate the convenience and unique flavor profile that canned corn offers. The choice between freezing and canning often comes down to personal preference and the intended use of the preserved corn. Experimenting with both methods allows you to discover what best suits your palate and culinary needs.

The Joy of Olathe Sweet Corn

For those fortunate enough to enjoy Olathe Sweet Corn, a local favorite celebrated for its exceptional sweetness and flavor, the canning process becomes even more special. This variety of corn, often the star of corn festivals and local events, adds a touch of sweetness to every jar, making it a delightful treat to savor throughout the year.

Step-By-Step Guide to Canning Corn

Supplies You'll Need

  • - Pressure canner
  • - Canning jars
  • - Canning lids and rings
  • - Jar lifter and canning funnel
  • - Large pot or blancher
  • - Bowls
  • - Large spoons
  • - Sharp knife
  • - Kettle for boiling water
  • - Large cookie sheet or shallow pan
  • - Tongs
  • - Towels and dish cloths
  • - Enthusiastic helpers for husking (optional, but fun!)


  • - Fresh corn
  • - Canning salt (optional)

Preparing the Corn

1. Husking and Blanching: Get your corn huskers to work, ensuring all husks and silk are removed. Blanch the corn briefly in boiling water, then cool in ice water to stop the cooking process.

2. Cutting Off the Kernels: Using a sharp knife, carefully cut the kernels off the cob, aiming to retain 2/3 of the kernels without cutting into the cob itself.

3. Packing the Jars: Pack the clean corn kernels into prepared canning jars, leaving adequate headspace.

Canning Process

  • - Raw Pack: Pack corn lightly into hot jars, add boiling water, and process in a pressure canner.
  • - Hot Pack: Simmer corn kernels, pack into jars, add cooking water, and process in a pressure canner.

Processing Times

  • - Pints: 55 minutes
  • - Quarts: 1 hour 25 minutes

Canning corn is not just a preservation method; it's a labor of love that allows you to enjoy the flavors of summer all year round. 

Whether you prefer the convenience of canned corn or the freshness of frozen, the process of canning your own corn brings a sense of satisfaction and culinary delight that is truly unmatched.
