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A Taste of Italy in Every Jar: Canning Italian Sausage, Potatoes, Green Peppers & Onions

Preserving the Flavors of Italy: Canning Italian Sausage, Potatoes, Green Peppers & Onions for Delicious Convenience

Italian cuisine is beloved around the world for its rich flavors and comforting combinations.

 By canning a delicious medley of Italian sausage, potatoes, green peppers, and onions, you can capture the essence of this cuisine and enjoy it at your convenience. In this article, we will guide you through the process of canning this hearty dish, providing you with a recipe that will leave you satisfied and ready to relax. With five quarts of Italian goodness, you'll have easy-to-prepare meals right at your fingertips whenever you need a taste of Italy.

Recipe: Canned Italian Sausage, Potatoes, Green Peppers & Onions


- 5 lbs Italian sausage links, mild or hot (casings removed, if desired)

- 6 cups potatoes, diced into bite-sized pieces

- 4 cups green peppers, sliced

- 3 cups onions, sliced

- 5 cloves garlic, minced

- 2 teaspoons dried oregano

- 2 teaspoons dried basil

- 1 teaspoon red pepper flakes (optional)

- Salt and pepper to taste

- Olive oil for sautéing


1. Cook the Italian sausage:

  •    - In a large skillet, heat a drizzle of olive oil over medium heat. Add the Italian               sausage links and cook until browned and cooked through. If using sausage with           casings, remove the casings before cooking.
  •    - Once cooked, transfer the sausage to a cutting board and let it cool slightly. Slice         the sausage into bite-sized pieces.

2. Sauté the vegetables:

  •    - In the same skillet, add a bit more olive oil if needed. Add the diced potatoes,               sliced green peppers, sliced onions, minced garlic, dried oregano, dried basil, and         red pepper flakes (if using).
  •    - Sauté the vegetables over medium heat until they are tender and slightly browned.       Season with salt and pepper to taste.

3. Prepare the jars:

  •    - Sterilize five quart-sized canning jars, lids, and rings by boiling them in a large pot        of water for 10 minutes. Remove them from the water and set them aside.

4. Fill the jars:

  •    - In each sterilized jar, layer the cooked Italian sausage pieces and the sautéed                 vegetable mixture, leaving about 1 inch of headspace at the top.
  •    - Use a spoon to pack the ingredients gently and ensure even distribution within the       jars.

5. Seal and process the jars:

  •    - Wipe the rims of the jars with a clean, damp cloth to remove any spills or residue.
  •    - Place the sterilized lids on top of each jar and secure them with the rings,                       tightening them just until fingertip-tight.
  •    - Place the filled and sealed jars in a canner or large pot filled with boiling water,           ensuring the jars are fully submerged. Process the jars in boiling water for 90                 minutes.

6. Cool and store:

  •    - Carefully remove the jars from the canner and place them on a towel-lined                   countertop to cool. Allow the jars to cool completely, undisturbed, for 12-24 hours.
  •    - Once cooled, check the seals by pressing down on the center of each lid. If the lid         does not move or make a popping sound, the jar is properly sealed.
  •    - Store the sealed jars in a cool, dark place, such as a pantry or cellar. They can be           stored for up to a year.

Canning Italian sausage, potatoes, green peppers, and onions allows you to bring the flavors of Italy to your table whenever you desire. With a few simple steps, you can preserve this hearty and satisfying dish in convenient jars, ready to be enjoyed at any time. By following our recipe and canning instructions, you'll have five quarts of Italian goodness to savor whenever you're done for the night and in need of a comforting meal. So, embrace the flavors of Italy and indulge in the convenience of homemade, canned Italian sausage, potatoes, green peppers, and onions.


  1. This is not a safe canning method you have to preasher can meat and potatos and the other has to be done the same way you are telling people to do the wrong thing here you need to be shut down

    1. Agreed. This trend of bad canning practices is getting ridiculous.

  2. What is unsafe about this recipe?
