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A Sip of Convenience: Canning Coffee with Vanilla Creamer for On-The-Go Delights

Convenience in a Jar: Canning Coffee with Vanilla Creamer for On-The-Go Delights

Coffee is the fuel that starts our days, and for many, it's an essential part of our routine.

 But what if you could take that beloved cup of joe with you wherever you go? Canning coffee with vanilla creamer allows you to do just that. In this article, we'll guide you through a simple and convenient method of preserving your favorite coffee andTitle: A Sip of Convenience: Canning Coffee with Vanilla Creamer for On-The-Go Delights


Coffee is the fuel that starts our days, and for many, it's an essential part of our routine. But what if you could take that beloved cup of joe with you wherever you go? Canning coffee with vanilla creamer allows you to do just that. In this article, we'll guide you through a simple and convenient method of preserving your favorite coffee and vanilla creamer in jars, ensuring a ready-to-drink pick-me-up whenever you need it. So grab your coffee pot and let's get started!

Recipe: Canned Coffee with Vanilla Creamer


  • - Freshly brewed coffee
  • - Your favorite vanilla creamer


  • - Canning jars with lids and rings


1. Prepare the jars:

  •    - Start by sterilizing the canning jars, lids, and rings. Wash them with hot soapy               water, rinse thoroughly, and then place them in a large pot filled with boiling                 water. Let them boil for 10 minutes to ensure they are properly sterilized. Remove       the jars from the water and set them aside.

2. Brew the coffee:

  •    - Brew a fresh pot of coffee using your preferred method. Make sure the coffee is           hot, as it will help create a vacuum seal in the jars.

3. Fill the jars:

  •    - Pour approximately an inch or so of your favorite vanilla creamer into each                   sterilized jar. The exact amount can be adjusted to suit your taste preferences.
  •    - Fill the rest of the jar with the freshly brewed hot coffee, leaving about 1 inch of           headspace at the top.

4. Seal the jars:

  •    - Wipe the rims of the jars with a clean, damp cloth to remove any spills or creamer        residue. This ensures a proper seal.
  •    - Place the sterilized lids on top of each jar and secure them with the rings,                       tightening them just until fingertip-tight.

5. Flip and let set:

  •    - Carefully flip each jar upside down. This helps create a vacuum seal and prevents         any potential leakage.
  •    - Allow the jars to sit in the flipped position for about 10 minutes. This allows the           heat to distribute evenly and helps with the sealing process.

6. Flip upright and listen for the ping:

  •    - After the 10-minute wait, flip the jars upright. You may hear a satisfying "ping"           sound as the lids seal. This indicates a successful seal.

7. Cool and store:

  •    - Let the jars cool completely at room temperature. As they cool, you may notice the       lids become concave, indicating a proper seal.
  •    - Once cooled, store the sealed jars in a cool, dark place, such as a pantry or                     cupboard. They can be stored for several weeks.

8. Enjoy:

  •    - When you're ready to enjoy your canned coffee, simply open a jar, pour it into             your favorite mug, and savor the convenience of a ready-to-drink cup of coffee             with vanilla creamer.

Canning coffee with vanilla creamer is a convenient way to have your favorite pick-me-up readily available whenever and wherever you need it. By following the simple steps outlined above, you can preserve the flavors of your favorite coffee and creamer in jars, ensuring a satisfying and easy-to-enjoy cup of joe. So, grab your coffee pot and start canning for a sip of convenience that will keep you caffeinated on-the-go.
