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The Unconventional Path to Instant Mashed Potatoes: A Cooking Experiment

Revolutionizing Convenience: Unleashing the Potential of Homemade Instant Mashed Potatoes

Cooking is often a delightful blend of creativity and innovation. 

In this article, we embark on a cooking experiment that challenges the traditional process of making instant mashed potatoes. By boiling plain potatoes, mashing them without adding milk or butter, dehydrating the mixture, and then either canning or vacuum packing it, we explore an unconventional approach to creating homemade instant mashed potatoes. Join us as we venture into uncharted culinary territory, fingers crossed for a successful outcome.

Recipe: Homemade Instant Mashed Potatoes (Unconventional Method)


- Potatoes (preferably starchy varieties like Russet or Yukon Gold)


- Pot for boiling

- Potato masher

- Dehydrator or oven

- Blender or food processor

- Canning jars or vacuum-sealed bags


1. Prepare the Potatoes:

Start by thoroughly cleaning and peeling the potatoes. Cut them into smaller, uniform pieces to ensure even cooking. Rinse the potato pieces under cold water to remove excess starch.

2. Boil the Potatoes:

Place the potato pieces in a pot and cover them with water. Add a pinch of salt if desired. Bring the water to a boil over medium-high heat and cook the potatoes until they are tender and easily pierced with a fork. Avoid overcooking, as overly soft potatoes may affect the texture of the final product.

3. Mash the Potatoes:

Once the potatoes are cooked, drain them and allow them to cool slightly. Using a potato masher or fork, mash the potatoes thoroughly until they reach a smooth consistency. Be sure not to add any milk or butter during this step.

4. Dehydrate the Mashed Potatoes:

Spread the mashed potatoes evenly on dehydrator trays or baking sheets if using an oven. If using a dehydrator, follow the manufacturer's instructions for drying potatoes. If using an oven, set it to the lowest temperature possible and leave the mashed potatoes inside for several hours, or until they are completely dry and crumbly.

5. Blend the Dehydrated Potatoes:

Once the mashed potatoes are fully dehydrated, transfer them to a blender or food processor. Pulse or blend the dried potatoes until they turn into a fine powder. This will create the instant mashed potato texture.

6. Store in Canning Jars or Vacuum-Sealed Bags:

Transfer the powdered instant mashed potatoes into clean, airtight canning jars or vacuum-sealed bags. Ensure that no moisture is present, as it can cause spoilage. Properly sealed containers will help maintain the quality and longevity of the instant mashed potatoes.

Your cooking experiment has taken the conventional process of making instant mashed potatoes and turned it on its head. 

By boiling plain potatoes, mashing them without the addition of milk or butter, dehydrating the mixture, and transforming it into a fine powder, you have created a unique homemade version of instant mashed potatoes. Whether you choose to can or vacuum pack the resulting product, the experiment holds the promise of convenience and versatility in your culinary endeavors. Embrace the unexpected and celebrate the joys of culinary exploration as you savor the fruits of your cooking experiment.
