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The Ultimate Canning Marathon: Preserving Meat and Peach Pie Filling

The Ultimate Canning Marathon: Preserving Meat and Peach Pie Filling

The Ultimate Canning Marathon: Preserving Meat and Peach Pie Filling

Ah, the joys of canning! It's a labor of love that yields delicious results and fills your pantry with homemade goodness. 

  • But when you're 29 weeks pregnant, it can be quite the challenge. Let's dive into the epic canning adventure our brave and determined cook embarked upon, preserving a whopping total of 44 pints of meat and 10 quarts of peach pie filling. Brace yourself for a tale of backaches, exhaustion, and the satisfaction of a job well done!

The Canning Marathon Begins

  • With backaches as the soundtrack of the day, our valiant cook embarked on the canning marathon. The goal was clear: preserve a variety of meats and create jars of mouthwatering peach pie filling. The battle was about to begin, and our cook was ready!

Step 1: Meat Preservation

Our cook started by preserving an impressive selection of meats. A total of 44 pints of meat were canned, consisting of:

  • - 21 pints of ground beef (21 lbs)
  • - 1 lb of sausage
  • - 8 pints of beef chunks for soups and stews
  • - 14 pints of chicken

The process involved meticulous preparation, cooking, and canning to ensure the meat would stay fresh and flavorful. It was a true testament to our cook's dedication and determination.

Step 2: Peach Pie Filling Extravaganza

  • After conquering the meat preservation, our cook's journey continued with the creation of 10 quarts of peach pie filling. The task may sound daunting, but our cook was undeterred. The sweet aroma of ripe peaches filled the air as the fruit was thawed and ready for transformation.

  • With precision and speed, our cook boiled the peaches, added pectin and sugar, and carefully filled the jars. The last 2 pints were processed for 10 minutes, sealing the final chapter of the day's canning adventure.

A Well-Deserved Rest

As the clock struck bedtime, our heroic cook finally found respite. The day had been filled with physical demands, from the backaches of pregnancy to the intense canning session. But amidst the exhaustion, there was a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction.

The Sweet Fruits of Labor

  • The next morning, our cook woke up to shelves filled with jars of preserved goodness. The sight was a testament to the hard work, determination, and love poured into each jar. From the savory meat that would enhance future meals to the tantalizing peach pie filling waiting to be transformed into delectable desserts, the fruits of labor were abundant.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Can you provide tips for canning while pregnant?

   Canning can be physically demanding, especially when pregnant. Here are a few tips to help make the process more comfortable:

  •    - Take frequent breaks and listen to your body.
  •    - Use proper lifting techniques and ask for assistance when needed.
  •    - Stay hydrated and nourished throughout the process.
  •    - Consider using a stool or chair to sit while preparing ingredients.
  •    - Prioritize safety and cleanliness to minimize risks.

2. How long will the canned meat and peach pie filling last?

  •    When properly canned and stored in a cool, dark place, the canned meat can last for up to 1-2 years. As for the peach pie filling, it is best consumed within 12-18 months for optimal taste and texture. Always remember to check for any signs of spoilage before consuming.

3. Can you share some recipe ideas for using the canned meat and peach pie filling?

  •    Absolutely! The canned meat can be used in various dishes such as tacos, spaghetti sauces, casseroles, and soups. As for the peach pie filling, it can be used to make delicious pies, cobblers, tarts, or even as a topping for pancakes or ice cream.

 Our brave cook's canning marathon was a true test of strength and determination. 

  • Despite the physical challenges, the reward of a pantry filled with preserved meat and jars of peach pie filling made it all worthwhile. So, take a moment to appreciate the dedication and love that goes into the art of canning. And if you ever find yourself facing a canning marathon while pregnant, remember to take care of yourself and embrace the joy that comes from creating homemade goodness.

 Canning, Meat Preservation, Peach Pie Filling, Canning Marathon
