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Homemade Amish Baby White Popping Corn: A Labor of Love

Growing and Harvesting Amish Baby White Popping Corn for Homemade Popcorn

Growing and Harvesting Amish Baby White Popping Corn for Homemade Popcorn

There's something magical about growing your own food, especially when it comes to something as fun and delicious as popcorn. 

This is a story of how we planted Amish non-GMO baby white popping corn in our backyard garden, nurtured it with care, and finally harvested the fruits of our labor. Join us as we share our journey of growing and preserving this delightful snack that brings joy and satisfaction to both young and old.

Planting and Nurturing Amish Baby White Popping Corn

This spring, we decided to try our hand at growing Amish baby white popping corn. We purchased a four-ounce package of non-GMO seeds and planted two fifteen-foot rows in our backyard garden. With anticipation and excitement, we watched as the tiny seeds sprouted and grew into sturdy stalks, reaching for the sun.

The Process: Picking, Silking, and Drying

As the corn plants matured, we eagerly awaited the arrival of the popcorn. Finally, the day came when the ears were ready to be picked. With careful hands, we plucked the ears, ensuring that we didn't damage the delicate kernels. Back in our kitchen, we removed the silky strands from each ear, making sure to get rid of any pests or debris.

To ensure the kernels were fully dried, we placed them in a dehydrator overnight. This step is crucial for preserving the popcorn and preventing mold or spoilage. The gentle heat of the dehydrator helped remove any remaining moisture, ensuring that our popcorn would pop perfectly every time.

The Fruits of Our Labor: Blistered Thumbs and Pints of Popcorn

After a night of drying, we were thrilled to find that our hard work had paid off. Our harvest yielded beautifully blistered thumbs and ten pints of perfectly dried popcorn. The sight of the golden kernels filled us with a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction. We knew that every kernel was a testament to our dedication and love for the process.

Popping and Enjoying Homemade Amish Baby White Popcorn

  • With our jars of popcorn ready, it was time to pop and enjoy the fruit of our labor. We heated a pot on the stove, added a few tablespoons of oil, and poured in a generous handful of our homemade popcorn. The kernels danced and sizzled, filling the air with a tantalizing aroma. Within minutes, the pot erupted with fluffy white popcorn, ready to be savored.

  • We seasoned our popcorn with a sprinkle of salt and melted butter, but the possibilities are endless. From caramel and cheese to spicy flavors, you can get creative with your favorite seasonings. The satisfaction of enjoying homemade popcorn, knowing that every step was done with care and love, is unmatched.

The Joy of Growing and Preserving Food

  • Growing our own Amish baby white popping corn was not just about the end product; it was a journey filled with joy, patience, and hard work. As we savored each bite of our homemade popcorn, we couldn't help but appreciate the beauty of nature and the satisfaction that comes from nurturing and preserving our own food.

          Embrace the Magic of Homemade Popcorn

  • If you have the space and the desire, we highly recommend trying your hand at growing your own popcorn. It's a rewarding experience that brings a sense of pride and accomplishment. Whether you have a large backyard or just a small balcony, there are varieties of popcorn that can be grown in containers as well.

  • So why not embark on your own popcorn-growing adventure? Embrace the magic of homemade popcorn and let the satisfaction of watching your own seeds grow into a delicious snack fill your heart and your kitchen.


Q: How long does it take for Amish baby white popping corn to grow?

A: The time it takes for Amish baby white popping corn to grow varies depending on various factors such as weather conditions and soil quality. On average, popcorn plants take around 90 to 100 days to reach maturity and be ready for harvest.

Q: Can I grow popcorn in containers if I don't have a backyard garden?

A: Absolutely! Popcorn can be grown in containers or pots as long as they have enough space and receive adequate sunlight. Look for dwarf or compact varieties that are suitable for container gardening. Just make sure to provide proper drainage and water the plants regularly.

Q: What are some creative seasonings I can try with homemade popcorn?

A: Th possibilities for seasoning homemade popcorn are endless! You can experiment with flavors like caramel, cheese, chili powder, cinnamon, garlic, or even truffle oil. Get creative and add your favorite spices or toppings to customize your popcorn to suit your taste.
