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Preserving Summer's Bounty: Canning 75 Pounds of Peaches

Preserve the Essence of Summer: A Guide to Canning 75 Pounds of Peaches

Last night, the kitchen was a flurry of activity as you embarked on the task of canning 75 pounds of peaches. 

  • The sweet aroma filled the air as you carefully prepared each jar, creating a taste of summer that will last through the colder months. In this article, we'll guide you through the process of canning peaches using a simple syrup and a hot pack method. Get ready to savor the deliciousness of your preserved peaches in the middle of winter!

Step 1: Prepare the Peaches

  • Start by washing the peaches thoroughly under cool running water. Then, using a sharp knife, gently slice each peach in half, removing the pit. You can choose to peel the peaches or leave the skin intact, depending on your preference. 

Step 2: Prepare the Simple Syrup

  • In a large pot, combine 5 1/4 cups of water and 2 1/4 cups of sugar. Heat the mixture over medium heat, stirring occasionally, until the sugar completely dissolves. This simple syrup will help preserve the color, texture, and flavor of the peaches during the canning process.

Step 3: Blanch and Pack the Peaches

  • Immerse the peach halves in the simmering syrup for 2 to 3 minutes. This blanching step helps loosen the skins and enhances the overall quality of the canned peaches. After blanching, transfer the peach halves to a bowl of ice water to cool down and stop the cooking process.

  • Once the peaches are cool, carefully peel off the skins if desired. The blanching process should make the skins easy to remove. Next, pack the peach halves into sterilized canning jars, ensuring they are tightly packed but not crushed.

Step 4: Can the Peaches

  • Place the filled jars into a water bath canner, making sure they are fully submerged in water. If you live at a high altitude like approximately 6000 feet above sea level, adjust the processing time accordingly. For peaches, process the jars in the water bath canner for 30 minutes.

Step 5: Enjoying Preserved Peaches

  • Once the processing time is complete, carefully remove the jars from the canner and place them on a towel-lined countertop. Allow the jars to cool completely and check for proper sealing. The lids should be slightly concave and not move when pressed down.

  • Store the sealed jars in a cool, dark place and resist the temptation to open them for at least a few weeks. This allows the flavors to meld and develop, resulting in even more delicious preserved peaches. When the middle of winter arrives, open a jar and savor the taste of summer!

Canning 75 pounds of peaches may seem like a monumental task, but the reward is worth every moment spent in the kitchen. 

By following the simple syrup and hot pack method, you have preserved the essence of summer to enjoy during the colder months. Whether you spoon them over ice cream, bake them into pies, or eat them straight from the jar, your canned peaches will bring warmth and sweetness to your winter days.
