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From Garden to Larder: A Journey of Pickled Beet Preservation

Preserving the Harvest: Mastering the Art of Homemade Pickled Beets

With a mixture of excitement and trepidation, our gardener embarks on their first beet preservation endeavor. 

After carefully nurturing a beet patch throughout the summer, the time has come to harvest and transform these vibrant roots into delectable pickled beets. Join us as we follow their journey from garden to larder, witnessing the steps taken to ensure a successful pickle-making process and savoring the anticipation of enjoying the final result.

Recipe: Homemade Pickled Beets


  • - Freshly harvested beets
  • - Pickling liquid (per recipe in the Ball Blue Book or your preferred recipe)
  • - Quart and pint canning jars


1. Harvest and prepare the beets:

   - Carefully harvest the beets, selecting those that have reached a reasonable size.

   - Trim off the stems and leaves, leaving a short tap root intact.

   - Give the beets a thorough rinse under cold water to remove any dirt or debris.

2. Cook the beets:

   - Place the prepared beets in a pot of boiling water.

   - Cook the beets until they are tender enough to be pierced with a skewer, which typically takes                 around 40 minutes.

   - Once cooked, drain the beets and let them cool.

3. Peel and slice the beets:

   - Peel the cooked beets using a paring knife or by gently rubbing off the skins with your hands.

   - Trim off any remaining tap root.

   - Slice the beets into desired thickness, keeping in mind the size of your canning jars.

4. Prepare the pickling liquid:

   - Follow the recipe in the Ball Blue Book or your preferred pickling recipe to prepare the pickling liquid.

   - Ensure that the pickling liquid is well-balanced with flavors of tanginess, sweetness, and spices.

5. Jar and preserve the beets:

   - Sterilize quart and pint canning jars according to proper canning procedures.

   - Fill the jars with the sliced beets, leaving appropriate headspace at the top.

   - Pour the prepared pickling liquid into the jars, ensuring that the beets are fully covered.

6. Water bath canning:

   - Place the filled jars in a water bath canner and process them for 30 minutes.

   - Follow the recommended processing time and temperature for your specific altitude and equipment.

7. Cool and store:

   - Carefully remove the jars from the water bath canner and set them aside to cool at room temperature.

   - Once cooled, check the seals to ensure they are tight and store the jars in a cool, dark place for a few weeks to allow the flavors to meld.

With cautious anticipation, our gardener has successfully transformed their freshly harvested beets into luscious pickled delights. 

From the careful preparation of the beets to the creation of a well-balanced pickling liquid, each step has been taken to ensure a flavorful and enjoyable final product. As the jars find their place in the larder, the beets will continue to develop their flavors, eagerly awaiting the day when they will be enjoyed. The journey from garden to larder has been a rewarding one, with the beautiful jars of pickled beets serving as a testament to the gardener's dedication and expertise.
