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Homemade Powdered Milk: A Simple and Versatile Pantry Staple

Mastering the Art of Homemade Powdered Milk: A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Your Own Pantry Essential

Powdered milk is a convenient ingredient to have on hand, especially when fresh milk is not readily available or when you want to extend its shelf life.

 While you can easily find powdered milk in stores, making your own at home can be a rewarding and cost-effective option. In this article, we will guide you through the process of making homemade powdered milk, using a simple method that involves reducing milk and dehydrating it. Discover the versatility of this pantry staple and learn how to create your own powdered milk in a few easy steps.

Homemade Powdered Milk: A Simple and Versatile Pantry Staple

Powdered milk is a versatile ingredient that can be used in a variety of recipes, ranging from baked goods to soups and sauces. By reducing fresh milk and dehydrating it, you can create your own powdered milk at home, ensuring its quality and freshness. Let's explore the process and benefits of homemade powdered milk, as well as a simple recipe to get you started.

Recipe: Homemade Powdered Milk


- 1 gallon of fresh milk (whole milk or low-fat, as per preference)

Step 1: Reduce the Milk

Pour the gallon of milk into a large pot and bring it to a gentle boil over low heat. Allow the milk to simmer slowly, stirring occasionally, until it reduces down to the consistency of Play-Doh. This process may take several hours, so be patient and maintain a low heat to prevent scorching.

Step 2: Spread and Dehydrate

Preheat your oven to its lowest setting. Line cookie sheets with parchment paper or silicone mats. Once the milk has reached a Play-Doh-like consistency, transfer it onto the prepared cookie sheets. Use a spatula or your hands to flatten and spread the milk evenly across the sheets.

Place the cookie sheets in the oven and allow the milk to dehydrate on low heat until it becomes bone dry. This can take several hours or even overnight, depending on your oven and the thickness of the milk layer.

Step 3: Grind into Powder

Once the dehydrated milk is completely dry and brittle, remove it from the oven and let it cool. Break the dried milk into smaller pieces and transfer them to a blender or food processor. Grind the pieces until they turn into a fine powder. Continue blending until the desired consistency is achieved, ensuring there are no lumps or larger particles remaining.

Step 4: Store and Enjoy

Transfer the homemade powdered milk into a sealed mason jar or an airtight container. Store it in a cool, dry place away from moisture and sunlight. Homemade powdered milk can keep for several months when stored properly.

To use the powdered milk, simply reconstitute it by mixing it with water according to the instructions on the package or recipe requirements. Adjust the amount of water based on the desired consistency.

Homemade powdered milk is a practical and versatile pantry staple that can be easily made at home. 

By reducing fresh milk and dehydrating it, you can create your own powdered milk, ensuring its quality and extending its shelf life. Whether you need a backup for emergencies or a convenient ingredient for cooking and baking, homemade powdered milk provides a cost-effective and reliable solution. So, why not try making your own batch of powdered milk using this simple recipe? Experiment with different recipes and enjoy the convenience of having this versatile ingredient readily available in your kitchen.


  1. I did some really quick math on this, I came up with approx $9 for 4 hrs on stove top and 10 hours in the oven .... since milk is 88% water that leaves about 4 ounces of dried milk for $9. I can buy 26 ounces of dried milk from the grocery for $9. I'm sure using a dehydrator or freeze drier would be more cost effective than oven and stove. Great to know how to however.
