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A Labor of Love: Preserving the Harvest with Fresh Canned Sausage

Preserving the Harvest: A Tale of Dedication and 106 Jars of Fresh Canned Sausage

 Preserving the bounties of the harvest season is a time-honored tradition that allows us to savor the flavors of fresh ingredients all year round.

 In a remarkable display of dedication and culinary prowess, one passionate individual embarked on a canning journey that resulted in an impressive 106 jars of fresh canned sausage. With 14 1/2 hours of labor, two canners working in tandem, and a heart full of gratitude, this endeavor showcases the immense value of preserving food at home. Join us as we delve into the process, the love, and the profound sense of satisfaction that comes from transforming humble ingredients into a pantry full of delectable delights.

Recipe: Fresh Canned Sausage

Note: Canning meat requires careful attention to safety guidelines to prevent the risk of foodborne illnesses. It is essential to follow proper canning procedures and maintain strict hygiene throughout the process. The following recipe outlines the general steps involved in canning sausage, but it is recommended to consult reputable canning resources for detailed instructions specific to meat canning.


  • - Fresh sausage links or patties (quantity may vary based on personal preference and availability)
  • - Canning jars with lids and bands
  • - Salt (optional, for seasoning)


1. Preparing the Sausage:

   - Start by selecting high-quality, fresh sausage links or patties. Ensure that the meat is properly sourced and handled to minimize any potential risks associated with canning.

2. Sanitizing the Jars:

   - Thoroughly clean the canning jars, lids, and bands in hot, soapy water.
   - Rinse them well to remove any soap residue.
   - Place the jars in a large pot of boiling water, ensuring they are fully submerged.
   - Boil the jars for 10 minutes to sanitize them. Keep them in hot water until ready for use.

3. Cooking the Sausage:

   - Cook the sausage according to your preferred method until it is fully cooked and no longer pink.
   - You can grill, pan-fry, or bake the sausage, depending on your taste and convenience.
   - Season the sausage with salt, if desired, keeping in mind that flavors may intensify during the canning process.

4. Packing the Jars:

   - Remove one jar from the hot water using jar tongs, allowing the excess water to drain back into the pot.
   - Fill the jar with the cooked sausage, leaving a recommended headspace (usually 1 inch) at the top.
   - Use a clean utensil, such as a wooden spoon, to press down gently on the sausage, ensuring there are no air pockets.

5. Sealing the Jars:

   - Wipe the rim of the jar with a clean, damp cloth to remove any residue or food particles.
   - Place a sterilized lid on top of the jar, followed by a band, and tighten it securely.

6. Canning the Sausage:

   - Follow the instructions provided with your canner for the specific processing method and time required for canning meat.
   - The processing time may vary based on factors such as jar size, altitude, and the type of canner being used.
   - Ensure that the canner is properly pressurized and maintained at the recommended pressure throughout the processing time.

7. Cooling and Storage:

   - Once the processing time is complete, turn off the heat and allow the canner to depressurize naturally.
   - Carefully remove the jars from the canner using jar tongs and place them on a clean towel or cooling rack.
   - Let the jars cool completely at room temperature.
   - Check the lids for proper sealing by pressing down on the center. If the lid does not flex or make a popping sound, it is sealed.
   - Label the sealed jars with the contents and date of canning.
   - Store the jars in a cool, dark place, such as a pantry or cellar, for long-term preservation.

The remarkable tale of canning 106 jars of fresh sausage showcases the enduring tradition of preserving the harvest and the dedication required to undertake such a labor-intensive endeavor.

 With love and gratitude, this individual transformed humble ingredients into a pantry stocked with delicious, home-canned sausage. The process of carefully preparing, cooking, and canning the sausage not only ensures its longevity but also captures the essence of the harvest season. The hours spent in the kitchen and the fatigue felt afterward are overshadowed by the immense satisfaction of knowing that the result is a true labor of love. So, let this inspiring story inspire you to embark on your own canning adventures, preserving the flavors of the seasons and creating a well-stocked pantry filled with homemade delights that will be cherished and enjoyed for months to come.
