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Canned Green Tomatoes: A Delicious Twist on a Classic Recipe

Preserving the Taste of Summer: A Guide to Canning Green Tomatoes

If you find yourself with an abundance of green tomatoes and are looking for a creative way to preserve their fresh flavor, look no further than canned green tomatoes. 

This simple and time-tested recipe, courtesy of my Mother-in-law, allows you to enjoy the tangy goodness of green tomatoes long after the growing season has ended. Whether you're a fan of fried green tomatoes or simply want to add a zesty touch to your dishes, this recipe is sure to impress. Let's dive in!

Step 1: Preparing the Green Tomatoes

  • To begin, gather your green tomatoes and slice them into your desired thickness. You can choose to slice them into rounds or wedges based on your personal preference. Make sure to remove any blemishes or imperfections from the tomatoes before proceeding.

Step 2: Creating the Canning Liquid

  • In a large pot, combine 1 gallon of water, 1/2 cup of vinegar, and 2 tablespoons of salt. Stir the mixture well until the salt has dissolved completely. This brine solution will help preserve the green tomatoes and enhance their flavor.

Step 3: Canning the Green Tomatoes

  • Place the sliced green tomatoes into wide-mouth canning jars, ensuring they are packed tightly. Wide-mouth jars work best for this recipe as they make it easier to remove the tomatoes when you're ready to cook them. 

  • Once the jars are filled, carefully pour the prepared canning liquid over the tomatoes, making sure to cover them completely. Leave a 1/2 inch of headspace at the top of each jar to allow for expansion during the canning process.

Step 4: Sealing and Processing the Jars

  • Secure the canning lids on the jars and tighten them just until they are snug. You don't want to overtighten the lids as it may prevent proper sealing.

  • Next, place the jars in a water bath canner and ensure they are fully submerged in water. Bring the water to a rolling boil and process the jars for 15 minutes. The processing time may vary depending on your altitude, so it's always a good idea to consult a trusted canning resource for specific guidelines.

Step 5: Enjoying the Canned Green Tomatoes

  • Once the jars have been processed, carefully remove them from the water bath canner and let them cool on a kitchen towel or a heat-resistant surface. You may hear a satisfying "pop" sound as the lids seal, indicating a successful canning process.

  • When you're ready to enjoy your canned green tomatoes, simply rinse them in a colander to remove any excess brine. From here, you can fry them as you would with fresh green tomatoes, creating a crispy and tangy treat. Serve them as a side dish, sandwich topper, or even as a base for delectable green tomato salsa.

Step 6: Preserving Family Tradition

  • This recipe for canned green tomatoes holds a special place in my heart as it was passed down from my Mother-in-law. Preserving family traditions and recipes not only allows us to enjoy the flavors of the past, but it also keeps our family stories and memories alive. As you savor each bite of these canned green tomatoes, you'll not only taste the tangy goodness but also the love and tradition that goes into every jar.

  • So, the next time you find yourself with an abundance of green tomatoes, don't let them go to waste. Follow this simple recipe, preserve the flavors, and create a culinary experience that pays homage to family and tradition.

Canned Green Tomatoes, Preserving, Recipe, Family Tradition


1. Can I use this recipe to can other types of tomatoes?

  • While this recipe specifically focuses on green tomatoes, you can certainly adapt it to can other varieties. Adjust the processing time and brine solution based on the specific type of tomato you are using. Consult reputable canning resources for guidance on canning different tomato varieties.

2. How long can I store the canned green tomatoes?

  • When properly sealed and stored in a cool, dark place, canned green tomatoes can last for up to a year. However, for the best quality and flavor, it is recommended to consume them within 6-8 months.

3. Can I use canned green tomatoes in recipes other than frying?

  • Absolutely! Canned green tomatoes can be a versatile addition to various recipes. They can be used in salads, sandwiches, salsas, or even as a topping for pizzas. Get creative and experiment with different dishes to explore the unique flavors they bring.

  • Preserving the flavors of green tomatoes through canning not only allows you to enjoy their tangy goodness all year round but also celebrates the cherished traditions passed down through generations. Embrace this recipe, create lasting memories, and savor the delightful taste of canned green tomatoes in your favorite dishes. Happy canning and cooking!
