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Homemade Fruit Roll-Ups: A Sweet Solution for Overripe Berries

Wholesome DIY Delight: Crafting Homemade Fruit Roll-Ups from Overripe Berries

In the world of homemade snacks, there's a certain satisfaction that comes from transforming simple ingredients into delicious treats.

 Today, we embark on a culinary adventure with a twist, as we dive into the world of DIY fruit roll-ups. Join me as I share my journey of creating these wholesome snacks using overripe strawberries and blackberries, along with a few pantry staples.

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Embracing Imperfection:

It all began with a bounty of berries that were on the verge of "going". Rather than letting them go to waste, I saw an opportunity to breathe new life into them. With their vibrant colors and sweet aroma, these overripe strawberries and blackberries were ripe for experimentation. And so, armed with a blender and a sense of culinary curiosity, I set out to create something special.

The Recipe:

To make the fruit roll-ups, I started by pureeing the strawberries and blackberries until smooth. This not only helped to salvage the berries but also intensified their natural sweetness and flavor. To enhance the taste and texture, I added a touch of honey for sweetness and lemon juice for a hint of brightness. The result was a luscious fruit puree that begged to be transformed into a snack-worthy treat.

The Process:

With the fruit puree ready, I spread it onto parchment paper lined on a cookie sheet, ensuring a smooth and even layer. Then, into the air fryer oven it went, set at a low temperature of 150⁰F. Over the course of 5 hours, the fruit puree slowly dehydrated, transforming into pliable sheets of fruit leather.

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The Magic Touch:

Now came the tricky part - getting the fruit roll-ups off the parchment paper without tearing them. A little trick I learned was to wet the backside of the parchment paper once it was removed from the oven and let it sit for a minute. Like magic, the paper peeled right off, leaving behind perfectly intact fruit roll-ups ready to be enjoyed.

Savoring the Fruits of Labor:

As I marveled at the vibrant hues and chewy texture of the fruit roll-ups, I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride. Not only had I rescued overripe berries from ending up in the compost bin, but I had also created a wholesome snack that was bursting with flavor and goodness. Each bite was a reminder of the beauty of simplicity and the joy of transforming the ordinary into the extraordinary.

Recipe: Homemade Strawberry and Blackberry Fruit Roll-Ups

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  • - 2 cups overripe strawberries, hulled
  • - 1 cup overripe blackberries
  • - 1/4 cup honey
  • - 2 tablespoons lemon juice


1. Preheat your air fryer oven to 150⁰F (or the lowest setting available).

2. In a blender, combine the strawberries and blackberries. Blend until smooth.

3. Add the honey and lemon juice to the fruit puree, blending until well combined.

4. Line a cookie sheet with parchment paper and spread the fruit puree evenly onto the paper, about 1/8 inch thick.

5. Place the cookie sheet in the air fryer oven and dehydrate the fruit puree for 5 hours, or until it is set and no longer sticky to the touch.

6. Remove the cookie sheet from the oven and let it cool for a few minutes.

7. Gently wet the backside of the parchment paper and let it sit for a minute to loosen the fruit roll-ups.

8. Carefully peel the parchment paper away from the fruit roll-ups.

9. Using scissors or a knife, cut the fruit roll-ups into strips or shapes of your choice.

10. Roll up the fruit roll-ups and store them in an airtight container at room temperature for up to a week.

Enjoy these homemade fruit roll-ups as a wholesome snack or lunchbox treat, knowing that you've made the most of your overripe berries in the most delicious way possible!

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