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DIY Coffee Creamer: A Budget-Friendly and Delicious Alternative

Transform Your Coffee Routine: DIY Evaporated Milk Creamers That Save You Money

If you're a coffee lover, you know that a great cup of coffee is often complemented by a perfect creamer.

 Today, I decided to embark on a little kitchen experiment that not only saved me money but also allowed me to enjoy a more natural, additive-free creamer. Here's how I turned a 6-pound can of evaporated milk into three delectable coffee creamers and saved a bundle in the process.

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The Experiment

I purchased a large can of evaporated milk, which cost me about $5. With this single ingredient, I crafted three distinct flavors of coffee creamer: Mocha Mint, French Vanilla, and Crème Brûlée. Not only did I manage to get 13 jars of rich and flavorful creamer, but I also saved around $25 compared to buying pre-made creamers, which often contain unwanted additives.

While one jar didn’t seal properly due to a bit of milk on the rim, the taste was still fantastic—proving that homemade always has a special touch. Here’s how you can replicate this cost-effective and tasty venture at home.


For Each Flavor:

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Base Creamer:

  •   - 1 can (12 oz) evaporated milk
  •   - 1 cup sugar
  •   - 1 cup water
  •   - 1 tsp vanilla extract (optional, for added richness)

Flavor Variations:

1. Mocha Mint:

  •    - 3 tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder
  •    - 1/4 cup crushed peppermint candies or peppermint extract to taste

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2. French Vanilla:

  •    - 2 tbsp vanilla extract
  •    - 1 tbsp of light brown sugar (for extra depth)

3. Crème Brûlée:

  •    - 2 tbsp vanilla extract
  •    - 1/4 cup caramel syrup (or make your own caramel sauce and mix it in)

Related: Homemade Caramel Coffee Creamer: Indulgent Bliss in Every Sip


1. Prepare the Base Creamer:

   - In a medium saucepan, combine the evaporated milk, sugar, and water. Stir over medium heat until the sugar is fully dissolved.

   - If you’re adding vanilla extract for a richer base, include it now.

   - Bring the mixture to a simmer, then reduce heat and simmer for about 5 minutes. This helps to blend the flavors and ensure the creamer thickens slightly.

   - Remove from heat and let it cool to room temperature.

2. Flavor the Creamer:

   - Divide the cooled base mixture into three separate bowls.

   - For Mocha Mint:  Add the unsweetened cocoa powder and crushed peppermint candies or peppermint extract to one bowl. Stir until fully combined.

   - For French Vanilla: Mix in the vanilla extract and light brown sugar.

   - For Crème Brûlée: Stir in the vanilla extract and caramel syrup.

3. Jar and Store:

   - Pour each flavored creamer into sterilized jars. Make sure to wipe the rims clean before sealing to ensure a proper seal.

   - Process the jars in a boiling water bath for 10 minutes to ensure they seal properly. Allow them to cool completely before storing.

4. Enjoy:

   - Your homemade creamers are now ready to enhance your coffee experience. Simply shake the jar before use and add the desired amount to your coffee.

Tips for Success

- Sterilization:  Always ensure your jars and lids are properly sterilized to prevent contamination and spoilage.

- Flavor Adjustments: Feel free to adjust the amount of flavorings to suit your taste preferences. Start with smaller amounts and taste as you go.

- Shelf Life: Homemade creamers can be stored in the refrigerator for up to a month. If you notice any changes in texture or smell, it’s best to discard it.

Making your own coffee creamer is a fun and rewarding way to enjoy your coffee with personalized flavors while saving money.

 Plus, you can avoid the additives found in store-bought creamers. Give this DIY creamer a try and elevate your coffee experience to new heights!

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